The Showball Softball Difference

There Are Many Showcase Camps In The Country.

But, Showball Is Nationally Known For Being #1

About Showball

As former collegiate and professional players ourselves, we understand the daily rigors and challenges that parents and players face in the recruiting process.  This has led us to creating the most innovative and unique platform in the industry in order to help student-athletes learn the value of an athletic and academic college experience. 

Showball sells out each event, because the camp produces unparalleled opportunities and results. Over 45,000 student-athletes and 1,500 coaches have attended a Showball Camp.

Showball’s academic and showcase camps offer high school athletes the opportunity to learn from and be seen by head coaches and top assistants from the most prestigious academic and athletic schools in the county.   Our unprecedented dedication towards student-athletes, to help them achieve their goals of playing college softball, has continually fueled our fire to becoming the leading provider of softball showcase camps throughout the nation.


Why Do So Many Players and Coaches Attend Showball?

With up to 120 colleges expected and guaranteed at our events each year, Showball is the largest showcase camp in the country. Therefore, with an offering of unparalleled access to so many decision-making coaches, your odds of being recruited significantly increase.

Showball exceeds expectations at all times. Every coach, parent, and student-athlete deserves nothing less than to be treated with the upmost respect before, during and after each Showball event.

We understand how difficult it is to navigate the college recruiting process. Therefore, we not only pride ourselves on, but also separate ourselves from other companies who operate showcase camps. Since 2007, we have earned the trusted title as “leaders in the showcase industry”. We know that your time, energy and investment to attend any camp is an enormous undertaking. So that is why we dedicate our entire team and its resources, all year round, to ensure your experience is nothing less than perfect. You have worked hard to be in a position to play college softball, therefore you deserve nothing less!

We work all year long to ensure that our reputation is #1 in the country. The only way to accomplish that is to ensure what we say, we do.

We are #1 for, because of the The Showball Guarantee!

The Showball Softball Guarantee

Attending Coaches

Almost every single coach who attends a Showcase camp represents the primary recruiter from each college. They come because they are the ultimate decision-makers and they want to see you play in person. This makes their job and their school program’s goal efficient and fruitful.

Showball’s Promise

All coaches listed on our site have fully committed to attend our events. You will have full exposure to all attending coaches.

Games & Workout Day Exposure

All ballplayers are guaranteed to be seen personally by all head coaches / decision-making coaches. This includes personal exposure during all games and each positional showcase station.

Camp Tuition

Our events are not inexpensive, but they are priced competitively. Furthermore, Showball provides the best overall value and experience for student-athletes. We are one the only camp in the country that provides ballplayers access to 45+ decision-making coaches representing the nation’s top colleges, all in one location. We are unaware of any other similar opportunities.

Advice On The College Recruiting Process

Our entire team is always available to help answer any of your questions. We are here to assist you before, during or after camp. We share information openly and freely with all players and parents.

Player Experience & Exposure

All position players and pitchers will be seen by all head coaches and attending coaches during workouts and games. While some showcase camps ask coaches to share information, because not every coach can see every player perform, Showball is the opposite. Coaches want to see players play – that is why they attend!

Efficient Camp; No Wasted Time

All Showball events are efficient and fast-paced. Each year we ask the college coaches for their direct input on how best to improve the Showball showcase events. Players attend to play; coaches attend to recruit. Showball’s efficient platform allows for maximum exposure in the most efficient manner. 


Over-communication and do so proactively.


Open with one another at all times. The opposite is to not be honest with someone else or yourself.


Maintaining the core values of the company, the facility/school and yourself.

The Showball Story

Founded in 2007 by former professional players, John Novak (Texas Rangers Organization) and Derek Ottevaere (Texas Rangers Organization), Showball softball has rapidly become one of the leading providers of High School softball collegiate showcase camps in the United States.

With a unique combination of elite collegiate head coaches and assistants, we continue to reshape the landscape of the recruiting process.  Currently, we offer student-athletes an opportunity to be seen by the most diverse group and largest number of schools in the country.  In addition, we are the only company to offer a predominantly all Head Coach Academic Showcase Camp.

To the estimated 100,000 student-athletes who have already experienced our programs – we truly hope we helped you in your journey to play college softball. Please continue to stay in touch with us and communicate all of your wonderful accomplishments on the field and in the classroom!

To next 100,000 student-athletes – we sincerely thank you in advance for your trust in our company. Our team here at Showball cannot wait to meet you at one of our upcoming events. We promise and assure you that we are here to provide each attending student-athlete the showcase platform you deserve: Exposure, Transparency, Efficiency, Opportunity and Guidance!


We are here to serve you.

Showball Is For College Coaches

Each and every aspect of Showball Camp has been developed from the perspective of the college coach. Our company’s 16+ years of experience combined with an obsession to collect constructive feedback from our attending coaches has built Showball Camps’ foundation:


  • Provide an efficient and innovative, all-inclusive camp program for attending coaches.
  • Create a platform where all coaches may see each and every player showcase their talents during both the workout day and the game day. Showball purposely designs the schedule so that all ball players play in front of each college coach.
  • Alleviate coaches from the grind of the summer recruiting travel schedule and time crunch associated with the recruiting period. Since Showball attracts thousands of high school student-athletes each summer, coaches are able to evaluate a wide array of talent from all over the country.

Showball Is For Student-Athletes

All Showball Camp events have been carefully designed for student-athletes of all playing abilities. Our lineup of attending college coaches span from top Division I, II, III and NAIA programs.

Therefore, players have the unique opportunity to meet with both coaches they planned on meeting and playing in front of and also, new coaches with whom they may not have known about prior to attending the camp.

Overall, Showball is the perfect environment to meet new coaches and build relationships. More often than not, we receive comments and feedback from players who arrived at one of our camps thinking they wanted to play at one or two schools and left the camp with 5-10 additional and credible options.

Showball Is For Parents

Showball Camps have been designed for parents who attend our events. Although the Showball environment is designed for players to showcase their talents in front of the college coaches, we know how important it is for parents to be informed throughout the college recruiting process. 

Therefore, we make certain to communicate with parents multiple times before and during the camp dates. On day one of the camp, we kick off with an all-parent meeting, led by Showball’s director and founder, to address any and all questions related to the camp schedule and general flow of the two-day program.

Parents rest assured, we know how to make you feel both informed and comfortable during a somewhat anxious period. Our parents supported us when we went through the process, so we are ALWAYS here to support you at all times, even long after the conclusion of the camp event.

The College Coach Factor.

College Coaches Choose To Attend Showball To Evaluate, Recruit, and Interact With High School Student-Athletes.

Showball’s Showcase Camps are unmatched. No other showcase has so many of the nation’s top coaches, representing the nation’s top schools, attend a camp. When you attend a Showball Camp you gain an IMMEDIATE ADVANTAGE, because:

  • Coaches help make all of the final decisions about their respective programs.
  • You, as a high school student-athlete, get to showcase your talents in front of the #1 person who will evaluate your talent. 
  • Coaches attend very few showcase camps each summer. Why? They simply do not have the time. College Softball coaches choose to attend Showball to maintain an efficient recruiting and travel schedule.
  • Head Coaches trust Showball! Since 2007, Showball has attracted more and more Head Coaches to attend Showball events.
  • Get the UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY to meet and play in front of the person who may be your Coach for four years!
“The tremendous value of attending a Showcase Camp, where Head Coaches are on location and recruiting, is simply an invaluable opportunity. Showball is the only camp we have attended, and we have attended plenty, where this opportunity is available. You want to play in college, go to a Showball Camp!”

-Frank H (parent)